What Are Closing Costs?

What Are Closing Costs?

Leverage Lending Group
Leverage Lending Group
Published on July 18, 2024

What Are Closing Costs?


Closing costs are an essential part of the home-buying process. Understanding these fees can help you budget accurately and avoid surprises at the closing table.

Common Closing Costs

·       Appraisal Fees: Typically $500-850, covering the cost of evaluating the property's value.

·       Title Insurance: Protects against legal issues with property ownership, usually around 0.5% of the purchase price.

·       Attorney Fees: Legal assistance for closing, ranging from $500 to $1,000.

·       Loan Origination Fees: Charged by lenders for processing the loan, usually 0.0% to 3% of the loan amount.

·       Home Inspection Fees: Generally $350-650 covering the cost of inspecting the property for structural issues.

Prepaid Costs

·       Property Taxes: May need to pay a few months’ worth of property taxes upfront.

·       Homeowner's Insurance: Usually requires the first year's premium to be paid at closing.

·       Mortgage Insurance: If applicable, you might need to pay upfront mortgage insurance premiums.

Miscellaneous Fees

·       Credit Report Fee: Typically $75-150.

Leverage Lending Group
Leverage Lending Group
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