7 Feb 2023 What Does Delayed Financing Mean? Buying a house all cash is a great way to win the deal, but it ties your money up in an illiquid investment. If you need access to the funds, you may use delayed financing to get a portion of your cash investment back. What is Delayed Financing? Delayed financing means you bought a house […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
18 Jan 2023 Freddie Mac BorrowSmart Program – Who’s Eligib... One of the largest obstacles to buying a home is the down payment. Most loan programs require at least 3% down to ensure you have money invested in the house and the bank isn’t taking all the risk. However, saving for a down payment can be hard. If you have the income and credit to […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
18 Jan 2023 Temporary Buy Downs: What Are They, And How Do The... Temporary buydowns help homebuyers lower their interest rate temporarily. In addition, it makes buying a home more affordable and the transition from rent to a mortgage less shocking for new homebuyers. What is a Temporary Buydown? A temporary buydown is a lump sum someone involved in the purchase transaction pays to temporarily lower the buyer’s […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
18 Jan 2023 Investor DSCR Loans – How Do They Work? Real estate investors often have difficulty qualifying for mortgage loans, especially with an extensive real estate portfolio. Investor Flex offers a loan option for real estate investors who want to qualify based on a property’s cash flow versus their employment information and tax returns. It offers a fast way to qualify for financing to add […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
29 Nov 2022 Are Home Prices Falling – What Does This Mean Fo... If the Housing Crisis of 2008 keeps circling in your mind, given the latest state of affairs in the real estate industry, you aren’t alone. Most investors fear the worst. They remember the wipeout the housing crisis did, and they’re bracing for the worst. This time is different. Are home prices falling? Yes, in many […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
11 Nov 2022 HELOC – What Is It, And How Does It Work? Home equity lines of credit are the solution many homeowners need. You can use your home equity for other purposes, such as home improvements or debt payoff by taking outa. Home equity line of credit. HELOCs typically have more competitive interest rates than home equity or personal loans, helping homeowners achieve their financial goals. What […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
29 Sep 2022 Condotels – Are They A Good Investment? Condotels are the next big thing in real estate investments. Rather than owning a single-family property, you own a unit in a multi-unit property, similar to a vacation resort. Then, you rent it out on a short-term basis, whether for a few days or weeks and turn over tenants often. The condotel has the same […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
15 Mar 2022 Executive Chef From Your Farms Your Table Launches... Chef Sam Diminich is continuing to grow his culinary presence in Charlotte. Diminich has plenty of accolades to his name, including being Christian McCaffrey’s personal chef, beating chef Bobby Flay on Food Network’s “Beat Bobby Flay,” and is the founder of Your Farms Your Table, a gourmet meal delivery program. Now, Diminich has launched a […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
2 Mar 2022 Charlotte’s HEX Coffee Planning To Expand Wi... One of Camp North End’s popular stops for a cup of coffee is slated to move to a larger space nearby later this year. HEX Coffee will relocate not far down the road from its original spot to 2,700 square feet of space, doubling its footprint in the community. About 40 patrons will be able […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
15 Feb 2022 Nine-Story Office Development Slated To Rise Next ... Charlotte’s recently renovated Optimist Hall will soon be getting a new neighbor. A joint venture formed with Charlotte-based White Point Partners and New York-based Spear Street will bring a 130,000 square-foot, 9-story office building to the intersection of Brevard and Belmont. White Point Partners has been steadily developing and improving key areas in Charlotte’s business […] Share on Facebook Share on Twitter